Representatives of the Centre for Innovative Educational Technologies of the ERI “UEPA” took part in the first training module for trainers and mentors at the STUDBIZ Ukraine project UA 2025-03-13
Representatives of the ERI “UEPA” of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University joined the Ukrainian-Estonian project on the development of entrepreneurial education in vocational education in Ukraine UA 2025-03-12
A Grant was won for the implementation of a new international project from the Kronospan Foundation to create a robotics laboratory on Arduino UA 2025-02-20
Teachers and students of the Department of Marketing and Commercial Business joined the round table “Importation of goods for security and defence needs. What you need to know” UA 2025-02-11
The III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management of Economic Environment Development in the Context of Global Transformations” was held at the ERI “UEPA” of Karazin University UA 2025-02-11
Representatives of the ERI UEPA took part in the kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS+ CBHE project EUComplianceM4UA at the Hochschule Wismar (Germany) UA 2025-01-28
The fifth international school of pedagogical excellence “EDUCATION 4.0 AND PEDAGOGICAL EXCELLENCE” was held at the ERI UEPA UA 2025-01-06
Equipment received under the project UEPA VR/AR Laboratory: towards the introduction of immersive technologies in higher education institutions and vocational schools in Ukraine UA 2025-01-02
The delegation of the ERI “UEPA” of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University within the framework of ERASMUS+ TU Gabrovo implemented the international academic mobility programme and took part in the International Scientific Conference UNITECH 2024 UA 2024-12-02