Professional development centre for foreigners was founded in 2000. The Center carries out preparation of foreign students school leavers for further training in the Academy and other higher educational establishments of Ukraine in the technical, medical biological and humanitarian directions; provides admission of foreign students to training on the accredited specialties of the Academy; carries out control of  passport and visa regime and stay of foreign students in Ukraine.

In 11 years more than 350 foreign students have taken the preparatory courses. Now 59 listeners from China, Vietnam, Iran, Turkmenistan, Turkey and other countries are trained here.

More than 250 foreign students have successfully graduated from the Academy. About 540 students from 10 countries of the world (Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Iran, China, Lebanon, Turkmenistan, Cameroon, Belarus, Congo) study on the basic specialties of the Academy and in the preparatory office.

Training of foreign students in the preparatory office

Foreign citizens are admitted for study without limits as far as race, color of skin political or religious beliefs, welfare, place of residence and native language go.

During one year of training students together with studying of Ukrainian or Russian of languages acquire necessary knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other humanities. Foreign citizens who passed final examinations, receive the Certificate of the state sample granting the right to further training in higher educational establishments of Ukraine.

For the admission to preparatory courses a foreign school leaver should file the following documents:

  • national passport with the entry visa of type «D». The visa can be received in Consulate of Ukraine in the native country on the basis of the nominal Invitation issued by the Academy;
  • notarized and legalized copy on the birth certificate with Ukrainian translation in accordance with the established procedure;
  • medical certificate on a state of health which was given out not later than 2 months before the departure for study to Ukraine legalized in accordance with the established procedure;
  • document on absence of HIV infection legalized in accordance with the established procedure;
  • return ticket with the date;
  • 6 photos 6×4 с

Payment for training on preparatory courses is carried out by the student or by the representative of intermediary firm or the individual in the Academy.

Training term. Academic year consists of 2 semesters – autumn which begins on September 1, and spring which begins on February 1 and ends on July 5-7.

Because entrance of students for study to Ukraine is carried out during the period from August 15 till November 15, the beginning of studies in the autumn semester can be postponed for later.

For the admission to study on accredited specialties a foreign school leaver should file the following documents:

  • national passport;
  • the original of the document on secondary or higher education with the indication of disciplines and the received grades (points) and its copy legalized in Consulate of Ukraine notarized with Ukrainian translation; the diploma about the higher education, received in the homeland should be certificated;
  • certificate on the termination of preparatory faculty (office) of Ukraine;
  • notarized copy of the birth certificate with Ukrainian translation;
  • medical certificate on a state of health which was given out not later than 2 months before the application to the Academy;
  • document on absence of HIV infection;
  • 6 photos 6×4 sm.

Foreign students are provided with accommodation in the hostels in rooms for 2 or 3 people. Cost of accommodation is equivalent to 30-100 US dollars per month.

Ukraine, 61003, Kharkov, 3 Potebni st.

Fax.: 38 (057) 706-39-71