Education and Research Institute “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
ERI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is a modern specialised educational and research centre that is widely known outside Ukraine and is a member of the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP).
The history of our university began in 1958, and since then, the high level of training of specialists who receive engineering and pedagogical specialities on the basis of engineering knowledge and deep psychological and pedagogical training has remained unchanged. This enables our graduates to carry out important social, professional, industrial and technological activities to ensure a high level of education in the vocational education system: teachers, methodologists, masters of industrial training in vocational schools (technical schools, colleges, vocational schools, lyceums and secondary schools) and highly qualified engineers for industrial enterprises.
The education system at the ERI “UEPA” provides continuous multi-level training at the bachelor's and master's levels. Future specialists are trained by highly qualified teachers, doctors of sciences and candidates of sciences.
Full-time and part-time students have the opportunity to obtain a second degree, as well as a working profession. The system of scientific and pedagogical personnel training, which includes doctoral and postgraduate studies, is effective.
There are scientific student unions and amateur clubs that enable young people to pursue their hobbies and expand their interests. Sport is an integral part of students` life.
The ERI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” has all the conditions for the development of scientific schools in the field of pedagogy and engineering psychology, and specialised academic councils for the defence of PhD theses.
The library fund has one of the largest collections of educational, methodological, scientific and fiction literature in Kharkiv (over 800 thousand copies).
Over the years, ERI “UEPA” has trained more than 70 thousand specialists who work in Ukraine and abroad. Our graduates have held senior positions at various times, including 4 ministers, 1 vice minister, about 3000 top managers, leading experts of industrial and scientific associations, heads of educational institutions, and public figures.
In 2000, a licensed Training Centre for Foreign Citizens was launched. The Centre includes a preparatory department that trains foreign citizens. During one academic year (2 semesters of study), students, along with learning the Ukrainian language, acquire the necessary knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other fundamental sciences.
The ERI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University maintains numerous international relations in the field of engineering and pedagogical training. The European Monitoring Committee of the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP) was established on our base, which makes it possible to train European teachers. To date, more than 80 scientists from leading technical educational institutions of Ukraine have already received the title of “European Engineering Educator”. Since 2017, we have been a signatory to the Magna Charta Universitatum.