Establishment and development of international relations with higher education institutions and organisations of the neighbouring and far abroad countries are among the priority areas of activity of the Education and Research Institute “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” of Karazin University.

The goal of international cooperation is to develop long-term university programmes of cooperation in the field of student exchange, research, information and technological exchange.

The international activity of the ERI “UEPA” is implemented to increase the authority in the scientific circles of Ukraine and abroad, as well as to integrate our Institute into the world space.

The staff of the ERI “UEPA” is actively working to create new contacts and maintain existing ones with foreign partners.

We successfully maintain international relations in cooperation in the training of engineering and pedagogical staff with educational institutions of Germany, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Slovakia, the People's Republic of China, Lithuania, the Republic of Serbia, Bulgaria, Georgia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, the Republic of Kazakhstan and others.

The ERI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” takes an active part in the international project of the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (die Internationale Gesellschaft fur Ingenieurpadagogik - IGIP). We have been a full member of IGIP since 1999.

The National Monitoring Committee of Ukraine (NMCU) under the auspices of the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP) was established and is working at the ERI “UEPA”. In September 2001, in Klagenfurt (Austria), we received official documents on the accreditation of the ERI “UEPA” as an educational institution that meets the requirements for the training of European teachers of engineering disciplines, and the Centre's graduates received diplomas of European teachers of engineering universities. Since 2017, we have been a signatory to the Magna Charta Universitatum.

The Training Centre for Foreign Citizens operates at the ERI “UEPA” of Karazin University, which annually trains students from many countries. The Centre includes a preparatory department that provides pre-university training for foreign citizens. During one year of study, students, along with learning the Ukrainian language, acquire the necessary knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other fundamental sciences.

Foreign nationals who successfully complete the preparatory department receive a state-issued certificate, which entitles them to further study at Ukrainian higher education institutions.

Over the years, the Preparatory Faculty has trained students from Syria, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Iraq, Tanzania, Vietnam, China, Japan and other countries.

Within the framework of signed agreements with foreign educational institutions, teachers and staff of the ERI “UEPA go to partner countries to participate in international conferences and seminars; our students and postgraduate students undergo internships in foreign higher education institutions.

Articles of the teachers of the Education and Research Institute Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy are published in foreign scientific journals of Hungary, Norway, China, Japan, and Bulgaria. Accordingly, the edited book of the ERI “UEPA” “Problems of Engineering and Pedagogical Education contains works by specialists from China, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Austria, and Serbia.

International relations are constantly deepening and expanding in the areas of cooperation with foreign partners. The ERI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” of Karazin University uses all the opportunities of international cooperation to develop scientific research, widely implement scientific developments and projects, and strengthen the educational and methodological base of the Academy.

Such forms of cooperation as the exchange of students and teachers; participation in international seminars and conferences to establish international contacts; participation in new projects that involve the introduction of new teaching methods in Ukrainian higher education institutions - all this will contribute to the entry into the global educational space.