Центр інноваційних освітніх технологій


Project № 1871

Robotics Lab on Arduino: Creating Innovative Solutions for Automation and Programming

Priority: Development of higher and vocational education.

Duration of the project: 01.01.2025 – 01.01.2026


Target group: Lecturers and professors of the ERI “UEPA, students of the ERI “UEPA, teachers and students of vocational schools, as well as persons interested in retraining, advanced training and mastering the latest automation technologies.

Project goal:

Creation of a laboratory that will allow students, teachers, and VET students to master the latest Arduino-based robotics solutions, which will help introduce innovations in vocational education and professional development of teachers. It is also planned to launch joint educational projects, from conferences to specialised hackathons.

Key idea of the project:

Development of a modern concept for supporting vocational education in Ukraine using robotic systems on the Arduino platform. It envisages the creation of an innovative laboratory with subsequent internships for teachers of vocational education institutions, student training and research and educational activities for the development of future professionals.

Main project activities:

- Development of an educational platform on the basis of the ERI “UEPA with the introduction of robotic systems and modern programming and automation technologies.

- Creation of an innovative robotics laboratory that will become a training centre for students, pupils and teachers, as well as a base for research and educational activities.

- Developing and implementing modular training programmes using Arduino robotics that will help improve the skills of Ukrainian teachers in the field of automation and programming.

- Creation of an educational excellence concept for vocational educational institutions based on robotics technologies aimed at training highly qualified specialists.

- Assessment of the possibilities of using robotic solutions in the educational process and their impact on the acquisition of new knowledge and skills.

- Development of training modules for different age groups and different levels of training with a focus on the use of robotic systems in practical tasks.

- Organising hackathons, seminars and other educational events for students and teachers aimed at promoting the practical use of robotics in the educational process.

- Implementation of distance and face-to-face open access courses in robotics for students, teachers and professionals at the national and international levels.

- Development of advanced training programmes for teachers of vocational schools to facilitate the development of the latest technologies in the field of robotics.

The results of the project are aimed at introducing innovations in vocational education, enhancing the scientific and educational potential of the institution, and creating innovative content based on robotics. The laboratory will become a centre for attracting scientists and experts in robotics, forming an active community, conducting research and educational activities.


Project № 1674

UEPA VR/AR Laboratory: Towards the Implementation of Immersive Technologies in Higher Education and Vocational Schools of Ukraine

Priority: Development of higher and vocational education.

Duration of the project: 01.01.2024-31.05.2025



The main partners include representatives of the vocational education sector - State Educational Institution "Regional Center of Professional Education of Sewing Technologies and Services of Kharkiv region", State Educational Institution ‘Kharkiv Higher Vocational School of Services’, Liubotyn Vocational Lyceum of Railway Transport, State Educational Institution ‘Kupiansk Regional Centre for Vocational Education’ and other vocational educational institutions of Kharkiv Region (more than 30 institutions in line with the existing network).

Target group: Teachers and professors of ERI “UEPA, ERI “UEPA students, teachers and students of VET institutions, as well as people interested in retraining, advanced training and mastering virtual technologies in education.

Project goal:

The creation of a modern educational platform for higher and vocational education will allow expanding the research activities of the ERI “UEPA” academic an teaching staff, involving students, as well as teachers and students of VET institutions in this activity as part of professional development, cooperation, international interaction and the development of new modern experience with VR/AR.

Key idea of the project:

Developing a modern concept for supporting vocational education in Ukraine using immersive methods and virtual technologies, creating a unique innovation laboratory with subsequent internships for teachers of vocational education institutions, training students and pupils, holding educational and scientific events, and retraining future professionals.

Main project activities:

development of an educational platform based on ERI “UEPA with involvement in the development and implementation of virtual and augmented reality technologies, and the use of immersive learning technologies;

forming a modern concept of support for vocational education in Ukraine with the use of immersive methods and virtual technologies, creating a unique innovation laboratory with further training on its basis for teachers of vocational education institutions, teaching students and pupils, conducting educational and scientific events, and retraining future specialists;

creation of an innovative concept of educational excellence and leadership development in professional universities within the framework of immersive learning technologies and with the aim of creating appropriate teaching and learning support;

– implementation of a modular (certification) programme for the professional development of Ukrainian teachers.

As a result of the project, it is planned to implement a number of innovative educational projects in the field of vocational education, improve the level of educational and scientific development of the teaching staff of the institution, develop modern educational content based on VR/AR for its further implementation in the educational process, master modern innovative technologies and study the practical aspects of their implementation.


The VR/AR studio provides for the creation of a unique innovative environment on the basis of specially prepared premises of the Centre for Innovative Educational Technologies of the ERI "UEPA", equipped with modern VR/AR devices for the development and presentation of VR/AR content, which expands the possibilities of studying technological processes, organising virtual case studies by teachers and students

The aim of the project is to create a modern educational platform for higher and vocational education, which will expand the research activities of the ERI "UEPA" faculty, involve students, teachers and students ofVET institutions in this activity as part of professional development, cooperation, international interaction and the development of new modern experience with VR/AR.

The KRONOSPAN Foundation financed the purchase of specialised equipment for the laboratory for a total of EUR 7,215, which includes the following:

- 5 sets of Meta Quest 3 VR helmets;
- a working personal computer to work on creating virtual spaces;

- Acer Nitro 5 laptop;

- additional accessories for helmets.

The project was developed by the specialists of the Centre for Innovative Educational Technologies of the ERI "UEPA" together with Denys Borysenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Food Technologies, Light Industry and Design, and Roman Nesterenko, Deputy Head of the International Relations Department of Karazin University. With the active assistance of the Director of the Education and Research Institute “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Professor Denys Kovalenko, co-financing was provided for the purchase of equipment and the repair of a special VR/AR studio room is being completed, where classes will be held using the equipment.

A career guidance training class is a specialised educational space aimed at helping young people identify their professional interests, develop important skills and make an informed choice of their future career path.

The main goal of the training career guidance class is to support pupils, students and other stakeholders in:

- analysing their own abilities, interests and talents;

- orientation in the modern labour market;

- creating an individual professional development plan;

- acquiring practical knowledge and skills to succeed in the chosen profession;

- practical trainings and masterclasses.

Organising classes to develop key skills, such as:

- communication and leadership;

- time management;

- team work;

- adaptation to changes;

- engaging professionals;

- meetings with representatives of various industries who share their experience and talk about the specifics of their professions.

Target audience:

- High school students choosing their future profession;

- Students seeking to better understand their career prospects;

- Young people who are looking for their place in the labour market.


The Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship Development (Talent Hub) was opened at the ERI "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" in June 2019 as part of the Create Creative Entrepreneurs project of the “Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Programme”, which is supported by the British Council.

Every year, the World Economic Forum defines “Creativity” as one of the Top 3 skills for personal development. All over the world, creative business makes a huge contribution not only to the economy, but also to the social development of society. That is why the Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship Development sees its mission as raising awareness of creative business among young people and assisting aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start and develop their own business in the creative industries.

Goals of the Talent Hub:

to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with knowledge and practical tools aimed at raising their awareness in a complex business environment;

to promote the development of the creative potential of individuals through educational seminars, trainings and consultations.

The audience of the Talent Hub includes students, young entrepreneurs and teachers.

The Talent Hub offers educational seminars, trainings and consultations on starting and managing business projects for everyone.

For students, it is a unique chance to gain knowledge from experts and consultants with practical experience in implementing creative ideas.

For teachers, it is an opportunity to introduce new approaches to the educational process.

For entrepreneurs, it is an opportunity to gain relevant knowledge in a convenient way.

TEX4YUA - Стала досконалість української молоді в текстильній та швейній промисловості 

Проєкт TEX4YUA реалізується в рамках програми Шведського інституту SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme 

Період реалізації проєкту 2 роки (з 1 грудня 2023 по 30 листопада 2025 року).

Мета проєкту: надати українській учнівській та студентській молоді, викладачам, які перебувають на старті кар’єри, а також молодим працівникам текстильної промисловості знання, навички та інноваційне мислення в галузі текстилю, щоб стати конкурентоспроможними на міжнародному ринку. Проєкт також має на меті сприяти інноваціям та забезпечити викладацький склад передовими педагогічними методами та дослідницькими підходами. 

Задачі проєкту:

-         підвищення інтересу молоді до програм, спрямованих на розвиток текстильної промисловості в Україні;

-         розширення можливостей молодих людей, залучених до текстильної промисловості в Україні;

-         створення онлайн-платформи для обміну ресурсами та комплексними навчальними матеріалами;

-         посилення співпраці між партнерами;

-         підготовка нових заявок на фінансування від ЄС для забезпечення майбутньої підтримки розвитку    молодих фахівців текстильної галузі в Україні.

Проєктний консорціум:

-         University of Borås (Швеція);

-         Українська інженерно-педагогічна академія;

-         Луцький національний технічний університет;

-         НГО «Інноваційна генерація».


Проєкт «A Career Roadmap for Women’s Leadership in Higher Education in Ukraine» реалізується в рамках програми проєктів у сфері гендерної рівності ініціативи Going Global Partnerships від Британської Ради
Період реалізації проєкту 1 рік (з 1 січня 2023 по 31 грудня 2023 року).
Мета проєкту: визначити бар’єри і виклики, з якими стикаються жінки-лідери у вищих навчальних закладах в Україні та Великій Британії, а також сприяти розбудові потенціалу вищих навчальних закладів в Україні та розширенню можливостей для жінок-науковців і жінок-лідерів у вищій освіті шляхом розроблення кар’єрної дорожньої карти «Жінки-лідери у вищій освіті» з урахуванням гендерних аспектів, культурного та соціально-політичного контексту України, предметних напрямків досліджень.
Задачі проєкту:
- виявити бар’єри і виклики, з якими стикаються жінки-лідери у закладах вищої освіти в Україні та Великій Британії;
- сприяти розбудові потенціалу жіночого лідерства у ЗВО України;
- розширити можливостей для жінок-науковців і жінок-лідерів у вищій освіті.
Проєктний консорціум:
- Університет Бедфордширу (Лутон, Велика Британія);
- Харківський національний економічний університет ім. Семена Кузнеця;
- Українська інженерно-педагогічна академія (асоційований партнер);
- НГО «Інноваційна генерація» (асоційований партнер)




Масові відкриті онлайн-курси (МВОК) є інноваційним інструментом для масштабного навчання, що інтегрує сучасні технології з традиційними освітніми методами. Створення та застосування МВОК потребує врахування педагогічних, технологічних і організаційних аспектів. МВОК трансформують освіту, роблячи її доступною, інклюзивною та гнучкою. Їхнє впровадження в навчальний процес стимулює розвиток нових форм навчання, сприяє індивідуалізації та задоволенню потреб сучасного суспільства.


Чому Ви навчитеся?

- виділяти та враховувати особливості створення МВОК: планування курсу (визначення мети, цільова аудиторія, структура), розробка контенту (якість матеріалів, мультимедійність, тривалість відео), інтерактивність (тести, завдання, форуми, вікторини, стимулювання дискусій), оцінювання знань (автоматизовані тести, проєктні завдання, платформи для перевірки), технологічна підтримка (використання спеціалізованих платформ, адаптивний дизайн, забезпечення доступності для людей із особливими потребами), маркетинг і просування (цільова аудиторія, партнерство);

- застосовувати МВОК у навчальному процесі: доповнення традиційного навчання, самоосвіта, гібридне навчання, індивідуалізоване навчання, професійний розвиток, інклюзивне навчання, розвиток мотивації учнів, розвиток цифрової грамотності, постійний зворотний зв’язок;

- керувати викликами створення та впровадження МВОК: мотивація учасників, технічні складнощі, мовний бар’єр, якість контенту, підготовка педагогів.


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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are an innovative tool for large-scale learning that integrates modern technologies with traditional educational methods. The creation and use of MOOCs requires consideration of pedagogical, technological and organisational aspects. MOOCs are transforming education by making it accessible, inclusive and flexible. Their introduction into the educational process stimulates the development of new forms of learning, promotes individualisation and meets the needs of modern society.


What will you learn?

- identify and take into account the peculiarities of MOOC creation: course planning (goal setting, target audience, structure), content development (quality of materials, multimedia, video duration), interactivity (tests, tasks, forums, quizzes, stimulating discussions), knowledge assessment (automated tests, project tasks, testing platforms), technological support (use of specialised platforms, adaptive design, accessibility for people with special needs), marketing and promotion (target audience, partnerships);

- apply MOOCs in the educational process: supplementing traditional learning, self-education, hybrid learning, individualised learning, professional development, inclusive learning, development of student motivation, development of digital literacy, constant feedback;

- manage the challenges of creating and implementing MOOCs: motivation of participants, technical difficulties, language barriers, content quality, teacher training.


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Штучний інтелект (ШІ) і візуалізація відкривають нові можливості для підвищення ефективності та інтерактивності навчального процесу. Вони сприяють створенню індивідуалізованого освітнього досвіду, кращому засвоєнню матеріалу та мотивації учнів. ШІ та візуалізація стають основою для трансформації освіти, роблячи її доступнішою, інклюзивною та інтерактивною. Ефективне впровадження цих технологій сприяє розвитку навичок майбутнього та кращій підготовці учнів до реального життя.


Чому Ви навчитеся?

- Використовувати ШІ в навчальному просторі: платформи адаптивного навчання, помічники на основі ШІ (Віртуальні репетитори, Голосові асистенти), автоматизовані оцінювання, платформи підтримки інклюзивності (програми для розпізнавання мовлення, генерація субтитрів, переклад на жестову мову, програми для учнів із особливими освітніми потребами), спеціальні програми аналітики прогресу навчання учнів;

- Застосовувати платформи для візуалізації навчального простору: інтерактивні візуальні матеріали (інфографіка, графіки та діаграми), доповнена реальність (AR), віртуальна реальність (VR), 3D-візуалізація, ігрова візуалізація;

- Реалізовувати синергію ШІ та візуалізації: інтерактивні навчальні модулі, генерація зображень та графіки, доповнення навчального контенту (рекомендації на основі аналізу поведінки учнів, автоматичне створення візуалізацій для пояснення складних тем).


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Artificial intelligence (AI) and visualisation are opening up new opportunities to improve the efficiency and interactivity of the learning process. They help create individualised learning experiences, improve learning and motivate students. AI and visualisation are becoming the basis for the transformation of education, making it more accessible, inclusive and interactive. Effective implementation of these technologies contributes to the development of future skills and better prepares students for real life.


What will you learn?


- Use AI in the learning space: adaptive learning platforms, AI-based assistants (virtual tutors, voice assistants), automated assessments, inclusivity support platforms (speech recognition software, subtitle generation, sign language translation, software for students with special educational needs), special analytics software for student progress;

- Use platforms for visualisation of the learning space: interactive visual materials (infographics, graphs and diagrams), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), 3D visualisation, game visualisation;

- Realise the synergy of AI and visualisation: interactive learning modules, image and graphic generation, supplementing learning content (recommendations based on the analysis of student behaviour, automatic creation of visualisations to explain complex topics).


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Оцінювання у віртуальному навчальному просторі є важливим аспектом дистанційної освіти, який забезпечує перевірку знань, моніторинг прогресу та зворотний зв’язок для учнів. Ефективне використання цифрових інструментів дозволяє забезпечити справедливість, об’єктивність та адаптивність оцінювання. Віртуальне оцінювання дозволяє зробити навчальний процес більш адаптивним, прозорим і сучасним, сприяючи розвитку цифрової компетентності як учнів, так і викладачів. 

Чому Ви навчитеся?

- вибирати дієві види оцінювання у віртуальному просторі: формувальне, підсумкове оцінювання, самооцінювання, оцінювання у співпраці;

- застосовувати ефективні методи оцінювання: тестування, проєктні роботи, ігрові методи, портфоліо, відеопрезентації та усні відповіді;

- керувати викликами оцінювання у віртуальному навчанні: технічні проблеми, академічна чесність, відсутність особистого контакту, суб’єктивність при оцінці творчих робіт;

- застосовувати практики ефективного оцінювання: різні типи завдань, автоматизовані системи, індивідуалізація навчання, забезпечення чітких критеріїв оцінювання, доступний зворотний зв’язок.


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Assessment in the virtual learning environment is an important aspect of distance education that provides knowledge testing, progress monitoring and feedback to learners. Effective use of digital tools helps to ensure fairness, objectivity and adaptability of assessment. Virtual assessment makes the learning process more adaptive, transparent and modern, contributing to the development of digital competence of both students and teachers.


What will you learn?

- choose effective types of assessment in the virtual space: formative, summative, self-assessment, collaborative assessment;

- apply effective assessment methods: testing, project work, game methods, portfolios, video presentations and oral responses;

- manage the challenges of assessment in virtual learning: technical problems, academic integrity, lack of personal contact, subjectivity in assessing creative work;

- apply effective assessment practices: different types of assignments, automated systems, individualisation of learning, providing clear assessment criteria, accessible feedback.


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Цифрові технології інклюзивного навчання забезпечують доступність освіти для всіх, включаючи учнів із особливими освітніми потребами. Вони сприяють створенню інклюзивного середовища, у якому кожен має рівні можливості для навчання, адаптації матеріалів та взаємодії. Цифрові технології стають ключовими у побудові інклюзивного навчального середовища, допомагаючи подолати бар’єри й створювати рівні можливості для кожного.


Чому Ви навчитеся?

 - Застосовувати Інструменти для адаптації навчального контенту: програмне забезпечення для тексту в аудіо, програми для збільшення тексту, платформи для візуалізації навчальних матеріалів;

 - Розробляти та застосовувати мобільні додатки та платформи: освітні платформи, мобільні додатки для спеціальних потреб;

- Застосовувати віртуальну та доповнену реальність (VR/AR): інтерактивні середовища, симуляції;

- Застосовувати онлайн-курси та ресурси: курси з адаптивними алгоритмами, платформи з інтеграцією жестової мови та субтитрів;

- Застосовувати ігрові технології: геймифіковані платформи для мотивації навчання, адаптивні навчальні ігрові платформи.


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Digital technologies for inclusive learning make education accessible to all, including students with special educational needs. They help create an inclusive environment where everyone has equal opportunities to learn, adapt materials and interact. Digital technologies are becoming key to building inclusive learning environments, helping to overcome barriers and create equal opportunities for everyone.


What will you learn?

 - Apply tools for adaptation of educational content: text-to-audio software, text enlargement software, platforms for visualisation of educational materials;

 - Develop and use mobile applications and platforms: educational platforms, mobile applications for special needs;

- Apply virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR): interactive environments, simulations;

- Use online courses and resources: courses with adaptive algorithms, platforms with sign language and subtitles integration;

- Apply gaming technologies: gamified platforms for motivating learning, adaptive learning game platforms.


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The Massive Open Educational Courses Studio is a professional space created to record, develop and disseminate high-quality educational content.

The MOOC studio was created as part of the CRED4TEACH project and equipped with funds from the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.

Studio features:

- Recording of educational materials: students and teachers can create video lectures, presentations, webinars and other high-quality educational materials.

- Development of own content: the studio provides technical and methodological support for the implementation of individual or team educational projects.

- Technical facilities: modern equipment for audio and video recording and editing, as well as professional software for creating interactive content.

- Expert advice: qualified specialists will help you develop a course concept, adapt materials to modern standards of online education, and create interesting and accessible resources.

For whom is the studio?

- For students who want to create original content: educational videos, popular science lectures, or other projects.

- For teachers who want to modernise their teaching materials.

- For anyone interested in the development of open education and the introduction of innovative learning formats.

Student coworking space is a modern space for students designed for learning, communication and self-development. Here you can comfortably work on homework, exchange ideas, participate in events and find like-minded people.

What is a coworking space for?

- An opportunity to find like-minded people, exchange ideas, work together on projects, or just chat.

- Organising student events that promote unity and create a friendly atmosphere.

- Convenient places for informal communication and relaxation between classes.

- Organising workshops, lectures, masterclasses and trainings to help develop professional, creative, entrepreneurial and communication skills.

- Wi-Fi, tea and coffee are waiting for you.

The Training Laboratory for Project Development, Internationalisation and Media Communications is a subdivision of the Center that promotes the ERI "UEPA" among the population of Ukraine and abroad, provides all participants of the educational process with the opportunity to gain practical skills in organising and implementing projects, and helps in preparing for international activities.

Main activities of the laboratory:

Development of project activities:

- Training in project planning, management, monitoring and evaluation.

- Supporting initiatives in creating and implementing innovative projects.

- Advice on preparing for international competitions, grants and projects.

- Involving students in projects aimed at solving urgent social, cultural and business problems.

Promoting internationalisation:

- Support for students and teachers in exchange programmes and cooperation with international organisations to find new mobility opportunities.

- Participation in international grant programmes.

- Assistance in the implementation of international educational standards and practices in the activities of the ERI "UEPA".

- Involvement of international experts, lecturers, and partners in events.

Media communications:

- Creation and management of media content of the ERI "UEPA": development of a communication strategy, support of social networks of the ERI "UEPA", administration of news sections on the ERI "UEPA" news website, communication with the Center for Public Relations and the Press Service of Karazin University.

- Teaching students how to effectively use modern media tools to promote projects and organisations.

- Training and creation of video and audio content using innovative technologies with the latest equipment.


The Training Laboratory for Creativity, Entrepreneurship and Youth Initiatives is a space for developing innovative thinking, supporting youth projects and promoting students' entrepreneurial initiatives. The lab was created to help young people develop the skills necessary to implement creative ideas, start a business and actively participate in public life.

Main activities of the laboratory:

Creativity development:

- Organising masterclasses and workshops, developing idea generation, design thinking and creating innovative products.

- Holding creative competitions, hackathons and themed festivals.

- Creating a creative environment for the exchange of ideas and cooperation between applicants.

Development of youth initiatives:

- Support for community projects and social initiatives aimed at solving actual social problems.

- Organising events that promote leadership, entrepreneurship and active citizenship.

Interdisciplinary cooperation:

- Involvement of experts from various fields to deliver lectures, seminars and mentoring sessions.

- Creating teams to work on projects that combine knowledge from different fields.

The Training Laboratory for Career Guidance and Development is a specialised division of the centre, created to support students and applicants in choosing a professional path, planning their career and developing key skills necessary for successful employment.

Main activities of the laboratory:

Career guidance:

- Conducting tests to identify professional aptitudes, interests and competencies.

- Consultations on choosing a speciality and building an individual educational trajectory.

- Support for the admission campaign.

- Information support for applicants in the process of admission.

Promoting career development:

- Teaching students how to write CVs, cover letters, prepare for interviews, etc.

- Organising events such as job fairs, career days, meetings with employers, and career guidance tours.

- Assistance in finding internships, practices and first jobs.

Implementation of educational programmes and trainings:

- Masterclasses on time management, self-presentation, and teamwork.

- Workshops and seminars to develop soft skills necessary for successful employment.

Сайт лабораторії: 

  Сайт лабораторії

Maksym Baturin - Career counselling manager (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Tetiana Kostrova - Manager of communication with student self-government and curators of student groups (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Kyrylo Kosharnyi - Youth worker and coordinator of student coworking space (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Kateryna Nasyrova - Entrepreneurship trainer, Head of the “C'est la vie” fashion theatre (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Oleksandr Nikitin - Translator, internationalisation manager (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Liubov Pikalova - Coordinator of the Youth Center, Head of the Pozytyff Studio


Oleksandr Prysiazhnyi - Head of an MOOC and podcast studio, digital technologies trainer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Anastasiia Svitlychna - Manager for the organisation of career guidance activities with general secondary education institutions (GSEI) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Kseniia Fediai - STEAM trainer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Oksana Kholodova - Creativity trainer, Head of the Sezam vocal studio (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Viacheslav Khomenko - Manager for the organisation of vocational guidance activities in VET institutions (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)




Educational consultants



Maryna Vasylieva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogics, Methodology and Education Management, Deputy Director of the ERI “UEPA” of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, trainer in interactive educational technologies and development of social activity of youth.

Roman Nesterenko, Deputy Head of the International Relations Office at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, expert in internationalisation and project activities, trainer in social entrepreneurship and creativity development.



Tetiana Bondarenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences., Professor of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics at the ERI "UEPA" of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Executive Director of the Association of Vocational and Life-Long Education Development, expert on gamification of education, digital skills trainer.


Yarmosh Olena, Project Manager of the “Innovation Generation” NGO, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations at the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, certified facilitator in the LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. Trainer in international management, creative entrepreneurship, data analysis.


Anna Fomenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the ERI "UEPA" of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and a researcher and lecturer at the International Management Programme at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design (Germany). She is an active member of the German NGO Nord Haus UA e.V. (Germany) and the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft, Germany). She is a certified Peer-to-Peer trainer under the UNFPA programme, specialising in initiatives aimed at education in the field of compliance management, business ethics, sustainable development and financial security.



Coordinator of the center

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

Deputy Director of the ERI "UEPA"

Maryna Vasylieva




The Center for Innovative Educational Technologies (CIET) is a structural unit of the Education and Research Institute “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, established to provide additional educational services for the development of young people in educational and extracurricular activities.

The CIET uses modern technologies and a creative approach to organising activities with young people, and provides professional support. We work to ensure that every student finds their place in the world, unlocks their potential and is ready for the challenges of the future.

Main areas of activity:

- Implementation of innovative educational technologies: development and implementation of projects in non-formal education, creation of video courses, introduction of mentoring programmes, VR/AR technologies, and STEAM education.

- Development of a modern educational ecosystem: support and sustainable development of the Student Coworking Space, VR classroom, Talent Hub, MOOC and Podcast studios, Youth Center and training and career guidance classroom.

- Career guidance and support: counselling, trainings, workshops, support in finding professional opportunities and employment, organising and conducting career guidance events.

- Support of youth initiatives: organisation of events, programmes and youth projects that inspire and motivate students to actively participate in university life, interaction with the student council of the ERI "UEPA" and Karazin University as a whole.

- Promoting internationalisation: participating in grant programmes and international competitions, holding seminars, conferences and workshops aimed at sharing experience and knowledge between countries, developing and implementing joint international projects, and establishing partnerships with foreign universities, research institutions and organisations.

- Implementation of media communications and information policy: creation of high-quality multimedia content for training, projects and communications in social networks and information resources of the ERI "UEPA".


- Education and Research Institute “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy”

- 61003, Kharkiv, Universytetska str., 16

- Main building, room 101 (1st floor)

- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- Phone: (057) 733-79-93