Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship Development (Talent Hub)


The Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship Development (Talent Hub) was opened at the ERI "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" in June 2019 as part of the Create Creative Entrepreneurs project of the “Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Programme”, which is supported by the British Council.

Every year, the World Economic Forum defines “Creativity” as one of the Top 3 skills for personal development. All over the world, creative business makes a huge contribution not only to the economy, but also to the social development of society. That is why the Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship Development sees its mission as raising awareness of creative business among young people and assisting aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start and develop their own business in the creative industries.

Goals of the Talent Hub:

to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with knowledge and practical tools aimed at raising their awareness in a complex business environment;

to promote the development of the creative potential of individuals through educational seminars, trainings and consultations.

The audience of the Talent Hub includes students, young entrepreneurs and teachers.

The Talent Hub offers educational seminars, trainings and consultations on starting and managing business projects for everyone.

For students, it is a unique chance to gain knowledge from experts and consultants with practical experience in implementing creative ideas.

For teachers, it is an opportunity to introduce new approaches to the educational process.

For entrepreneurs, it is an opportunity to gain relevant knowledge in a convenient way.