VR/AR studio

The VR/AR studio provides for the creation of a unique innovative environment on the basis of specially prepared premises of the Centre for Innovative Educational Technologies of the ERI "UEPA", equipped with modern VR/AR devices for the development and presentation of VR/AR content, which expands the possibilities of studying technological processes, organising virtual case studies by teachers and students

The aim of the project is to create a modern educational platform for higher and vocational education, which will expand the research activities of the ERI "UEPA" faculty, involve students, teachers and students ofVET institutions in this activity as part of professional development, cooperation, international interaction and the development of new modern experience with VR/AR.

The KRONOSPAN Foundation financed the purchase of specialised equipment for the laboratory for a total of EUR 7,215, which includes the following:

- 5 sets of Meta Quest 3 VR helmets;
- a working personal computer to work on creating virtual spaces;

- Acer Nitro 5 laptop;

- additional accessories for helmets.

The project was developed by the specialists of the Centre for Innovative Educational Technologies of the ERI "UEPA" together with Denys Borysenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Food Technologies, Light Industry and Design, and Roman Nesterenko, Deputy Head of the International Relations Department of Karazin University. With the active assistance of the Director of the Education and Research Institute “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy” of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Professor Denys Kovalenko, co-financing was provided for the purchase of equipment and the repair of a special VR/AR studio room is being completed, where classes will be held using the equipment.