Visit of UEPA teacher to the University of Rzeszow (Poland) within the international mobility program Erasmus+


From May 3 to 7, Tetiana Bondarenko, Professor of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, took part in the Teaching Mobility Program at the University of Rzeszow, which included a number of activities related to the expansion of international cooperation. The UEPA teacher met with the Erasmus+ University Coordinator Lucyna Kustra-Kłeczek. The following activities were carried out under the mobility program:

- visit to the Faculty of Computer Science;

- acquaintance with the department, material support, computer classes and the university library;

- lecturing and attending classes.

Tetiana Bondarenko attended the exam in the discipline “Software Engineering” for students of the foreign group. She attended the lectures of Professor Krzysztof Bielinski for students majoring in Computer Science in the discipline “Programming Languages”. The teacher conducted classes in a computer lab in English for students of the Polish group. It was an interesting idea and a double task for the students – a good command of a foreign language, as well as demonstration and explanation of the tasks in the discipline. The students skillfully answered questions and solved tasks. Professor Krzysztof used a combination of teaching methods to conduct his classes: Microsoft Teams to check homework at each workplace, and Google Drive to post materials and assignments for students. During the class, the professor consistently checked each student`s assignment, looking at everyone`s screen, adding comments and correcting mistakes. The professor also used the practice of “Teacher`s Assistant”, selecting the best students to check other students` assignments.

Professor of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics Tetiana Bondarenko gave a lecture for students of the Faculty of Computer Science on “AI and pedagogical innovation: How ChatGPT is impacting our practices”.

The Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy has a long-standing cooperation with the University of Rzeszow. The Academy`s teachers have participated in international mobility programs. Close ties have also been established with the Department of Food Technology. Thus, student Valeriia Khartfiliia studied at the university during the spring semester, mastered new technologies in the food industry and successfully passed the examination session. During the visit, Tetiana Bondarenko met with our student. Valeriia shared her positive impressions and interesting features of studying at the University of Rzeszow.

The visit took place within the Erasmus+ KA171 international credit mobility program for teaching staff from the University of Rzeszow.